Saturday, November 12, 2011

Found: connecting transcript.

Found this section from a transcript  in the hall of  records. Omissions had been made to the original document. 

A record of A[  ] from the beginning of those periods when the Spirit took form, or began the encasements in that land; and the developments of the peoples throughout their sojourn; together with the record of the first destruction, and the changes that took place in the land; with the record of the sojournings of the peoples and their varied activities in other lands, and a record of the meetings of all the nations or lands, for the activities in the destruction of A[  ] and the building of the p[  ]  of initiation, together with whom, what, and where the opening of the records would come, that are as copies from the sunken A[  ]. For with the change, it [  ] must rise again. In position, this lies -- as the sun rises from the waters -- as the line of the shadows (or light) falls between [  ] that was set later as the sentinel or guard and which may not be entered from the connecting chambers   [    ]until the time has been fulfilled when the changes must be active in this sphere of man's experience. Then [it lies] between the [   ]   and the river. [378-16; Oct 29, 1933] E.Cayce

This document is pertinent to the infromation a pass to you because the author is connected with many studies in direct correlation in timeline to the site of which produced the “tablet”.  Subject matter contained with in both “tablet” and transcript correlate at points.  Though the language  in the “tablet” is contemporary.
The "tablet" “predicts” something seemingly to occur in our future. The transcript reports of a past mass catastrophe.  I cannot consider them to be separate unconnected files. The parallels I have concluded are too great.

                                                                                                                                                     -James Sinclair
                                                                               Excerpt 2
 Jan, 7, 2012,
Journal Entry 5
Sun is coming up. At least the sun has stayed normal. Found a place to bunker down for a while. It seems safe enough and quite.. Try and get some sleep. I am so tired. Finally decided I had to leave my place wasn’t safe anymore.  Don’t really know where I am going. Just away from town for now.  It is next to impossible to get around during the day. Worse during the night but at least then there is cover in the shadows.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The First Report.

The facts are as follows:

 6 years ago I was called to a site because my expertise was required for an article found.

 It was a time capsule of sorts.

The time capsule was made of modern day materials.

 Inside was a very advanced looking lap top device.

6 years later I can visually compare it somewhat to a tablet.

The artifacts with in the surrounding area were dated around 3000 B.C. Well into the Subboreal  ( 5700–2600 ) BP of the Holocene geological layer.

 The sites congruency revealed no one had disrupted the earth previously.

The “tablet” Is standard in the most “modern” sense of our time and current world.  Yet the date, information and operation systems postdate today’s existing date.

The “tablet” contained many interesting things including a Journal.

                Those are the facts a lone in itself.  What leads me to report this information to you in spite of an agreement I made possibly at the cost of my own life? The tablet contains information and Journal entries from what I cannot disprove of as being from the future.   I feel compelled to share the basics of the information because if it is true we are in grave danger.  You will have no one to confirm or deny what I have told you or what you read below. I am one of few that know of this and the only one willing to expose it.  The information below if true may save your life.  Yet be warned.  Regardless of its truth knowing this information could cause you danger from those who wish to keep it quiet.

                I will share selections from the Journal with you, and any other information from the find  with relevancy .

 Keep posted I will report often as I safely can.

                                                                                                                      -James Sinclair

                                                                     Excerpt 1

Jan, 3, 2012,

Journal Entry One:

On Dec. 21, 2012, the world didn’t end. There was no reckoning, No earthquake, No meteor, just a ton of people who killed themselves. They did it in the days before and the day of seemingly out of fear or some religious belief. Some people after, idk… maybe because it didn’t happen. The world for a day or two did seem a bit chaotic, but not because of it “ending as we know it”. Most of the world (and I agreed) thought all those people were just stupid. Not saying it wasn’t sad, but….. So life went on Bankers banked, Politicians politicked and together they played us. That was it, nothing changed. That is until a few days ago. I guess I’m writing this cause well with most of the networks down can’t talk to anyone anyhow. I suppose if things get really bad, and… you know. This journal is a way I’ll live on. Maybe someone will remember me.. I suppose I’ll include it all. Not like anyone one doesn’t know what’s going on….. But maybe there is one lucky soul around and some day they will find this. Maybe I will be one of the ones who make it. I guess it doesn’t hurt to keep track of what happens. So.. Maybe the world didn’t end…But right now I wish it had. Cause death seems so much easier than what is outside right now. Maybe they weren’t stupid after all, and maybe I wish I owned a gun right now. Not sure what I would do.